Students in Dubai


4 March 2017
De Voorkamer, Utrecht

Presentation: The future of education? Student migration, education hubs and online degrees

On the 4 March 2017 Jill Ahrens is giving a presentation for the event series Science Café organised by De Voorkamer and Engluusion.

Are you studying abroad or online to get your degree? How did you experience a new education system? How was your daily life influenced by it? What are the (dis)advantages and suggestions that you would like to pass on to the other students?

De Voorkamer and Engluusion invite to join the Science Café where the future of education is investigated by exploring student migration, education hubs and online degrees further.

For this event, we invited Jill Ahrens, a Marie Curie Research Fellow in the Department of Human Geography and Spatial Planning at Utrecht University. Jill focuses on transnational education and knowledge mobilities in the United Arab Emirates and will share the insights of her research with us.

EnglUUsion is a volunteer initiative within the Utrecht University providing English language education to newcomers. They aim to promote the continued education of our students in the Netherlands. As such, they provide the tools students need to be successful in higher education, including exam preparation, academic writing, presentation skills, and career counseling.

Entrance is for free for this event but we have limited amount of seats available. Please sign up via this link: